Monday, May 27, 2019

Forged copper products have a wide range of industrial applications | Pahladrai Forgings

Copper alloys are widely used in diverse industrial sectors. In copper forging, copper alloys such as brass are used as the primary raw material in forging. Copper alloys show a high degree of plasticity at both high temperatures as also at normal room temperature. These alloys are known for their higher thermal and electric conductivity, ductility, flexibility, malleability, and corrosion resistance. For all these reasons, and several other unique features copper forgings have extremely high demand.

Where copper forging is mostly used?

Forged copper products have high demands in various manufacturing industries. Following are some products where the use of forged copper products is inevitable:
•In most of the electrical assemblies such as wires, caps, and fittings.
•In the manufacturing of various electronic devices and components.
•In manufacturing complicated industrial machinery that needs to withstand in high temperatures.
•Seals, fittings, and gaskets for machinery used in a highly corrosive environment.
Copper forging process

Forging is a process of processing a metal whereby a calculated amount of pressure is given on metal billets. As the pressure is increased steadily a plastic deformation occurs to the metal giving it the desired shape and mechanical characteristics. In copper forging brass is the most commonly used copper alloy. Copper forging is performed at a high temperature that is called hot forging.
Like steel forgings, Pahladrai Steel Forging Works follow hot forging process for copper forging. Below are the main steps in this forging process:

•Cutting and shaping of billets – High-quality copper alloys are used in forging works. Reputed suppliers having years of experience and an excellent market reputation provide copper billets. These billets are given required shapes.

•Heating: The copper pieces are heated to a particular temperature suitable for forging. Controlling of temperature is essential at this stage as higher or lower than the required temperature range can deteriorate the quality of products.

•Forging: This is the key step in copper forging process. The dies are given the required temperature to make the flow of copper allow smooth. Dies possess two halves; the metal piece is placed on the lower half and the upper half is given necessary force to give the heated metal the required shape. The entire process is performed by skilled workers in a controlled environment.

•Trimming and Finishing: the excess portion of the metal during forging extrudes as outflow. This is trimmed to give the piece a perfect shape. The uppermost surface of the finished products contains surface oxide and a thin layer of lubricant that is washed with some specially prepared solutions.
High precision copper forging for all kinds of industrial activities
Pahladrai Steel Forging Works maintains a full inventory of copper for use in open die forgings including discs, rings, blocks, shafts, hubs, and other types of forged shapes that can be smoothly adjusted with other parts as necessary to design a high precision machine.

Get in touch with us

Name- Pahladrai Forgings
Phone No-  +91 9792114433
Address- 83/141 Juhi Kanpur - 208014

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