Monday, May 27, 2019

Forged copper products have a wide range of industrial applications | Pahladrai Forgings

Copper alloys are widely used in diverse industrial sectors. In copper forging, copper alloys such as brass are used as the primary raw material in forging. Copper alloys show a high degree of plasticity at both high temperatures as also at normal room temperature. These alloys are known for their higher thermal and electric conductivity, ductility, flexibility, malleability, and corrosion resistance. For all these reasons, and several other unique features copper forgings have extremely high demand.

Where copper forging is mostly used?

Forged copper products have high demands in various manufacturing industries. Following are some products where the use of forged copper products is inevitable:
•In most of the electrical assemblies such as wires, caps, and fittings.
•In the manufacturing of various electronic devices and components.
•In manufacturing complicated industrial machinery that needs to withstand in high temperatures.
•Seals, fittings, and gaskets for machinery used in a highly corrosive environment.
Copper forging process

Forging is a process of processing a metal whereby a calculated amount of pressure is given on metal billets. As the pressure is increased steadily a plastic deformation occurs to the metal giving it the desired shape and mechanical characteristics. In copper forging brass is the most commonly used copper alloy. Copper forging is performed at a high temperature that is called hot forging.
Like steel forgings, Pahladrai Steel Forging Works follow hot forging process for copper forging. Below are the main steps in this forging process:

•Cutting and shaping of billets – High-quality copper alloys are used in forging works. Reputed suppliers having years of experience and an excellent market reputation provide copper billets. These billets are given required shapes.

•Heating: The copper pieces are heated to a particular temperature suitable for forging. Controlling of temperature is essential at this stage as higher or lower than the required temperature range can deteriorate the quality of products.

•Forging: This is the key step in copper forging process. The dies are given the required temperature to make the flow of copper allow smooth. Dies possess two halves; the metal piece is placed on the lower half and the upper half is given necessary force to give the heated metal the required shape. The entire process is performed by skilled workers in a controlled environment.

•Trimming and Finishing: the excess portion of the metal during forging extrudes as outflow. This is trimmed to give the piece a perfect shape. The uppermost surface of the finished products contains surface oxide and a thin layer of lubricant that is washed with some specially prepared solutions.
High precision copper forging for all kinds of industrial activities
Pahladrai Steel Forging Works maintains a full inventory of copper for use in open die forgings including discs, rings, blocks, shafts, hubs, and other types of forged shapes that can be smoothly adjusted with other parts as necessary to design a high precision machine.

Get in touch with us

Name- Pahladrai Forgings
Phone No-  +91 9792114433
Address- 83/141 Juhi Kanpur - 208014

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Know Why Forged Steel Rings Are Important For Your Business | Pahladforgings

Forging has various uses in the manufacturing industry. Nearly every industry needs forged elements, especially the forging rings. These rolled rings can be made of different alloy metals and have countless applications. Hence, choosing to use forged rings is not difficult, but deciding on the metal to use for forging rings is challenging. 

If you are confused which alloy metal you should use for the forged rolled rings, our experts would suggest stainless steel. Why? Because of the numerous unique properties of this alloy steel metal, which makes it one of the best choices for forging different components, including forged steel rings.

7 Benefits of Forged Steel Rings

Are you interested in knowing the benefits of using stainless steel for forged steel rings and other forging components? Keep on reading to get more information.

1.        Corrosion Resistant: Stainless steel is highly corrosion resistant, hence forged elements made of this material can endure continued exposure in the corrosive atmosphere and surroundings.

2.       Heat Resistant: Like corrosion, stainless steel can resist scaling and maintain durability in extreme temperatures.

3.       Durability: Stainless steel alloy is capable of enduring harsh circumstances and consequences while maintaining to perform at its absolute strength.

4.       Strength: Forged components made of stainless steel hold extraordinary strength and durability.

5.       Efficient Product Manufacturing: Stainless steel can be forged and machined quickly without losing any of its unique advantageous characteristics.

6.       Sanitary Qualities: Stainless steel can withstand multiple sanitizing and cleaning steps, making it the ideal element for industries where strict hygiene and sanitary qualities upheld.

7.       Improved Appearance: Easy to maintain and the luminous surface of stainless steel gives the forged steel rings an improved and impressive appearance.

Applications for Forged Steel Rings

The forging process uses different compressing methods like 'hot,'' warm,' and 'cold' forging to give metals specific shapes as required by different industrial sectors. Forged components have different applications across industrial fields as well as in daily usages, such as -

·         Forged steel rings are essential in machines and industrial tools as they protect the tools from wearing and tearing.
·         In vehicles, the forged metal parts are used on tension areas including kingpins, steering arms, and in gears and joints.
·         Forged components are attached in valves and pipes to reduce the chances of corrosion in adverse conditions.
·         A wide range of utility tools or household tools like surgical equipment, gardening tools, kitchen materials, socket, hooks, etc. make use of different forged components to make the tools stronger and more durable.

Why Choose Forged Steel Rings?

The process of manufacturing forged steelrings are the seamless rolled ring forging method where the two ends of the alloy metal laid flat in extremely hot temperature, ideally 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Afterward, the stainless steel components go through multiple steps to get the ultimate rolled ring shape. Moreover, the finished steel rings go through different testing processes before being delivered to the clients.

These forged steel rings are the most used forging metal, and almost all large to small, heavy to lightweight vehicles and other heavy machinery make use it due to its exceptional strength, durability and easy availability. The most common areas of using forged steel rings include steering arms, power trains, torsion bars, and kingpins, etc. If you need bulk forged components, contact us!

Get in touch with us

Name- Pahladrai Steel Forging Works
Phone No-  +91 9792114433
Address- 83/141 Juhi Kanpur - 208014

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Comparative Study Of Forging Know The Differences | Pahladrai Forgings

Forging is a familiar word across different industries, but what is it? And why is it so widespread than any other type of metal working? In this article we will have a comparative study between forging materials like forging copper, forged steel etc. and other metalworking processes like casting, fabrication, machine bar etc.

Forging ComparedTo Casting

Forging is stronger and yielded by hot and cold forgings. On the other hand, casting doesn’t have the strength against extreme heat or cold. Moreover, forgings have superior, ductile and resistant ability than cast metals. Forgings also maintain uniform quality all across the forging copper bar, wire or forged steel rings.

Casted metals don’t have the grain flow as well as the directional strength. Casting cannot protect a metal from forming particular metallurgic defects. But forgings can filter the impurities from the casting slabs, casting bars etc.
As the hot working on metals like copper, steel changes the grain patterns and increases strength, resistance and ductile qualities of the metal, forged metal pieces become stronger and more durable. Moreover, casting has several variations in process and is expensive. Casting requires continuous supervision while processing, but forging is cost-effective, and no process control or monitoring is required. While forging quickly responds to heat treatment, casting requires a controlled practice of melting and cooling processes to avoid any alloy separation. Due to this characteristic, finished cast metals often get varying dimensional features while forgings offer better dimensional stability due to its predictable response to heat treatment.

What is more, the special casting metals require expensive materials and process control whereas the forgings are a less expensive, flexible adaption to meet the high market demand.

Forging Compared to Welding or Fabrication

If forging is compared to traditional welding method or fabrication, forging helps save materials as well as entire production cost. Welded metals are costly when production is performed in large scale.  In fact, forging copper, forged steel etc. is the industrial conversion of traditional welding and metal fabrication. It saves total production costing when the volume increases. Moreover, forged metal production decreases labourcosts, scrap and continuous inspection costs.

Next consideration is the strength of the final product. Forgings are stronger than welded and fabricated metals. The metal grain orientation of forged metals is improved and make the forging stronger. On the other hand, welded metals are not free from porosity and a weaker welding or joining of parts make a welded metal weak.

Welding often includes fabrication of different components and assembly of the multiple parts. On the other hand, forging is usually one-piece, properly designed. Moreover, forging does not require expert supervision unlike welding and fabrication.

Forged metals are more consistent throughout the product and have better metallurgic characteristics. Unlike forgings, welding may yield unwanted metallurgic features including non-uniform grain structure due to its traditional inconsistent heating and cooling processes. This inconsistent property of welded metal may lead to unexpected failure under extreme stress or impact, which is not a concern for the forged metals.

While the process of welding and metal fabrication include critical joining of metals, fastening types and sizes, and close inspection of the entire process; forging offers simplified production process without close monitoring.

Forging Compared to Machined Bar or Plate Metals

If there is need for different sizes of copper bars or plates,  copper forging is the only option to offer a variety of size and material grade. Machine bar and plates are available in certain sizes only, without much variation of sizes and metal grades, and customisation.  On the other hand, forged metal production is inexpensive, and a metal part can be as small as 1 inch in diameter while another can weigh up to 200 tonne. 

The grain orientation is a big plus point of forged metals. It results in optimum strength of the metal piece, resistance and ductile properties. While, the directional formation of the grains make the forged metals stronger; the machined bar and plate metals are weaker due to their non-uniform grain patterns.

Moreover, forging procedure save on materials and production procedure. While the flame cutting plate causes metal wastage, different fabrication steps to produce metal rings or hubs consume excess raw material in consequential machining procedure. On the other hand, forgings generate least scrap and promote efficient production of one-piece parts. That’s why, forgings have significant cost saving opportunities in large scale production run.

Another benefit of forging over the machined bar or plates is that forging rarely requires expensive secondary operations like spinning, grinding, polishing etc. However, these additional procedures are essential for most of the bars and plates to remove the surface deformities and achieve expected finishing, accurate dimensions, improved strength.

Industries Where Forgings Are Ultimate

There are various industries where forging is ultimate. Some of those industries include Aerospace manufacturing industry, Automotive and Truck manufacturing, Ordnance, Highway construction, Agricultural field, Valves & Fitters manufacturing etc.

·         Automotive and Truck Manufacturing Industry
In automotive and truck production and application, forged elements are usually found at points of pressure and shock.

There are usually more than 250 forgings in a truck or even in cars, and most of these are manufactured from carbon or alloy steel.

Forged engine and power-train components include attaching rods, cranks, gear shafts and forging gear, drive shafts, clutch hubs, differential gears, and general joint yokes and crosses. Forged camshafts, gears, pinions, rocker arms offer the security of selective setting as well as strength. Typified applications like spindle shafts and beams,  wheel axles, kingpins, torsion bars, ball studs, steering arms, idler arms, pitman arms, and linkage for passenger buses, cars, and trucks demand extra energy and durability.

·         Aerospace and Airbus Manufacturing
Ferrous and non-ferrous forging metals as well as forging gears are used in helicopters, piston-engine planes, commercial jets, supersonic military aircraft etc. The high strength and weight ratio and architectural fidelity improve performance, reach, and payload capacities of aircraft.

There are numerous such aerospace designs where more than 450 structural forgings and hundreds of forged engine parts are involved.

The forged parts in airbus as well in aerospace vehicles include bulkheads, wing roots and spars, engine mounts, hinges, brackets, shafts, beams, crankshafts, bell cranks, wheels, brake carriers and discs, landing-gear cylinders and struts, arresting hooks and many more components. In jet turbine engines, iron-base, nickel-base, and cobalt-base super-alloys are forged into blades, couplings, discs, rings, buckets, chambers, manifolds, wheels, beams and shafts. Stainless steels, maraging steels, titanium, and aluminium forgings find comparable treatments at lower temperatures. Forged missile elements of columbium, titanium, super-alloys, and hard materials produce unduplicated mechanical and physical features under harsh service conditions. Aluminium structural beams, titanium motor cases, nuclear-engine reactor shield, as well as the canisters of magnesium are used in the space shuttle program.

·         Highway Construction and Agricultural Tools

Ferrous forgings are usually used in the highway construction business, mining industry to manufacture heavy building equipment, stronger tools, and tough, machinable and economic components. In addition to engine and transmission components, forgings are used for shafts, spindles, forging gears, sprockets, levers, rollers, yokes, ball joints, axle beams, wheel hubs, bearing holders, and linkages.

·         Ordnance Manufacturing
Practically in every artillery instrument, from rifle triggers to nuclear submarine drive shafts, forged components are inevitable. From heavy tankers to a shell to mortar projectiles, all the equipment contains two or more forged components.

·         Valve and Fittings
The mechanical qualities of forgings and freedom from porosity are particularly suited to high-pressure applications to construct valves and fittings. Corrosion and heat-resistant metals are used for valve bodies and stems, flanges, elbows, tees, reducers, saddles, and other fitting instruments. Oil industry applications involve drilling hardware, rock cutter bits, high-pressure valves and fittingsetc.

·         Industrial Hardware, Tools, and Equipment

Fixed and shipboard internal oxidisation engines include forged camshafts, crankshafts, valves, gears, rod caps, rocker arms, connecting rods, levers, linkages etc. Outboard motorcycles, motors, power saws offer examples of the perfect use of forgings in smaller engines. Motor and machination industries include forgings for material handling, conveyor, chain-hoist assembly, lift truck etc.

Prevalence of Forgings – The Reasons Behind

Metalworking has proved power, strength, durability, fidelity, and the best quality in a variety of products, since the earlier days of human civilization. Today, these assets of forged components imply the greater value for defining temperature, loads, and stress improvement.

Forging copper, forged steel components make potential designs that provide the highest duties and pressures. Recent advancements in forging technology have considerably widened the range of means available in forging materials.

Moreover, the forged products are also economically attractive due to their natural higher fidelity, enhanced tolerance capacities, and the higher productivity with which forgings can be machined and further treated by automated techniques.

The degree of architectural authenticity achieved in forging copper or other metals is superior to any other metalworking methods discussed above. There are no inside gas pockets or voids, which might cause unanticipated breakdown under stress or shock. Moreover, the metal forging procedure helps in improving chemical segregation of the forging stock by influencing the centreline material to multiple locations everywhere within the forging.

The fundamental probity of forgings means safety factors based on the substance that will react predictably to its conditions without special and expensive processing to improve for the intrinsic defect.

Materials engineers, as well as the designers, acknowledge the growing influence of resistance to impact and burnout as a share of total element authenticity. With the use of proper materials and precise heat treatments when required, the enhanced impact energy of forged components is feasible.

Moreover, the higher strength and weight ratio can be used to overcome excess section thickness in part designs without imperilling the enforcing aspects of safety. Weight cut, even in the parts that are produced from cheaper materials, can count to significant cost savings over the life of a stock run.

The texture of material from one forging to the next, and between separate portions of forgings is remarkably high. Forged parts are made through a controlled series of manufacturing steps rather than a haphazard flow of material into the required shape.

Evenness is another big benefit of forging over other metalworking processes. Forged components ensure reproductory response to heat treatment, least variation in machinability, and uniform property levels of the complete parts.

Dimensional properties are also exceptionally durable for forging copper, forged steels or forged brass and more. Consecutive forgings are constructed from the same die impression, and because die impressions use control over every shape and form of the forged part, the probability of transfer deformity is reduced.

For cryogenic reinforcements, forgings have the necessary toughness, high strength and weight ratios, and freedom from the ductile-brittle shift difficulties.

Most used forged metals including forging copper, forged steel ring etc. are fabricated economically in a notably broad range of sizes. With the enhanced use of special piercing, punching, shearing, coining, and trimming practices, there have been abundant improvements in the range of cost-effective forging shapes and the workability of the revised accuracy. However, the parts having smaller holes, inner passages, re-entrant hollows, and critical draft checks usually need more complex forging tooling and more complicated processing and are consequently more reasonable in bigger sizes.

In many uses, forgings are ready for use without surface finishing or machining. Forged surfaces are befitted for painting, plating, polishing, or treatment with ornamental or shielding coatings.

Moreover, the freedom from the internal discontinuities or exterior formations in forgings provides a reliable machining base for metal-cutting methods such as boring, broaching, turning, milling, drilling, and shears spinning. The shaping methods like electrochemical machining, chemical milling, electrical discharge machining, and plasma jet techniques are also performed well on forged components.

After all, forging components are superior to metal parts manufactured by other methods in their congeniality with other manufacturing processes. And, this is the reason why forging is prevalent.

Get in touch with us

Name- Pahladrai Steel Forging Works


Phone No-   +91 9792114433

Adderss- 83/141 Juhi Kanpur - 208014